VAT Return

Sole traders, partnerships and limited companies are all taxable by Value Added Tax (VAT). Rayone Accountants can help businesses comply to VAT legislations whilst relieving the administrative burden placed upon the business.

Ray One Accountants VAT services can help minimise liabilities and penalties should the business be submitted to a VAT investigation. These services include: 

VAT Registrations and De-Registration

Assistance with VAT Return Completion

VAT Control and Reconciliation

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All of these services can help protect the business and allow its financial structure to remain as healthy as possible.

Additionally; Ray One Accountants can help the business decide upon the most appropriate VAT schemes and procedure to benefit the business current financial situation and aid the potential growth. The tailored VAT techniques can be tailored to perfectly suit the needs and finances of the business. This service can help align a business VAT taxation with other taxable aspects of the venture.

Furthermore, Ray One Accountants can help negotiate with HM Revenue & Customs on behalf of clients.